When porn consumption is harmful to sexuality

When porn consumption is harmful to sexuality

Among young men, overuse of pornography is a serious issue. The effects that this overconsumption can have on one’s sex life and potentially on one’s mental health should not be overlooked. This is why our psychologists decided to prepare this blog post, in order to raise awareness about the effects of porn overconsumption.

When fiction meets reality

It’s a reality: pornography use is more prevalent among men than women. It often begins at a young age, when individuals are not yet mature enough to fully understand the content they are consuming.

It is important to note that pornography is an over stimulator of our “pleasure circuit”, mainly because of the instant availability of images, but also because of the possibility of finding ever more exciting content. However, in the sexual activities that are presented in pornographic material, everything is arranged and every element is planned. These images, even if they are far from reality, inevitably create expectations in the consumers of pornography.

As a result, we often encounter young men who feel inadequate. They have developed expectations about how the sexual relationship will unfold, how long it will last and what will make each partner reach orgasm. Even in the real world, they are so conditioned by porn that they seek to do things the way they are presented to them, even if it is far from always possible. Performance anxiety when it comes to having sex is quite common. This can have direct consequences on sexual health, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, decreased libido and desire for sex that occurs in the “real world,” etc.

Overconsumption of porn: a possible source of conflict within the couple

In addition to the effects on the person consuming pornography, it is possible that this consumption is the source of conflict within a couple. The partner may feel betrayed or may even see pornography use as a form of infidelity. She wonders why her partner needs to watch pornography and questions his ability to satisfy her.

In addition, the porn user may develop feelings of shame and guilt, which can cloud the relationship with the partner.

When to seek help?

It is essential to consult a therapist when pornography use becomes problematic or compulsive, i.e., when it has an impact on sexual health or on relationships within a couple.

First of all, it is important to know that it may be appropriate to consult with a couple, so that each of them can discuss the reasons behind the overconsumption of pornography and its effects. The psychologist can also offer very relevant advice to help the couple relearn how to explore their sexuality and move away from the ideas that were built up while watching porn.

For the pornography user, the psychologist can help him/her refocus on his/her emotional and sexual needs. The goal is to help them express and fulfill their needs in a way that is safe for their sexual and mental health, but also for the health of the couple.

Let’s finish by mentioning that Clinique GO™ offers online consultation services with a psychologist, which fit well in the management of sexual or relationship disorders caused by pornography overconsumption. For confidential services tailored to your needs, contact our team.

Francis-Desjardins Approuvé par Francis Desjardins
Président et physiothérapeute depuis 1994.
Francis Dejardins